Deformities of the musculoskeletal system can have a significant impact on an individual’s ability to perform daily tasks. For example, a deformity in the arms can make it difficult to feed oneself. However, advancements in medicine have made it possible to correct many deformities through surgery. The goal of deformity correction surgery is to restore function and alleviate the difficulties that individuals may face in their daily lives.
The diagnosis of a musculoskeletal deformity is made through a physical examination. In young children, the age of the child is a significant factor in determining the presence of a deformity, as many lower limb deformities tend to self-correct during development. If the deformity persists past the age of four or five, surgery may be necessary.
The diagnosis of a musculoskeletal deformity may include an x-ray to assess the extent of the damage. This process is typically quick and may be completed within one or two days.
The initial step in addressing deformities is the utilization of braces. These devices are worn on the affected limb or body part for a minimum of one year. This is typically sufficient to correct the issue. The brace is typically worn constantly or when the individual is awake. For minor deformities, such as a misaligned knee, this treatment is often sufficient. However, in some cases, it may not produce the desired results. In such instances, surgery may be required. Braces are commonly used on children whose bones are still developing.
To ensure safety, comfort, and a successful recovery after surgery, you will be provided with instructions on nutrition, medication, exercise, activity level, equipment needed upon discharge, follow-up appointments, and signs to look out for.
This section includes information on what to expect during recovery, the appearance of incision after total knee replacement, frequently asked questions, questions to ask during your follow-up appointment, and details on pain relief, medication, anti-inflammatory drugs, constipation, and nutrition.
If you have any concerns or queries, don’t hesitate to ask your healthcare team as they are dedicated to ensuring a smooth recovery. It’s normal to experience swelling post-surgery, which can be reduced by managing it and in turn, decreasing the pain. Keep in mind that recovery time varies for every person and it may take some time for you to feel like your normal self.
Important things to remember in the first six weeks after knee replacement surgery.
There are many benefits to correcting foot deformities, including:
- Improved appearance
- Improved function
- Reduced pain
- Increased confidence